
Dash InstantSend

If you enable this option, CryptoWoo will treat all InstantSend transactions as if they already received 5 confirmations in the blockchain.

Learn more about Dash’s InstantSend feature: http://dashdetailed.com/2016/09/21/how-dash-instantsend-protects-merchants-from-double-spends/


If you enable this option, CryptoWoo will treat all InstantSend transactions as if they already received 5 confirmations in the blockchain. Learn more about Dash’s InstantSend feature: http://dashdetailed.com/2016/09/21/how-dash-instantsend-protects-merchants-from-double-spends/

CryptoWoo releases new features and partners with Spendabit

If you enable this option, CryptoWoo will treat all InstantSend transactions as if they already received 5 confirmations in the blockchain. Learn more about Dash’s InstantSend feature: http://dashdetailed.com/2016/09/21/how-dash-instantsend-protects-merchants-from-double-spends/