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CryptoWoo releases new features and partners with Spendabit

The CryptoWoo HD Wallet Add-on now offers native support for 2-of-3 HD multi-signature wallets. Multi-signature wallets let you increase the security of your store revenue by requiring multiple signatures from different wallets to send any transactions. This makes CryptoWoo the only e-commerce plugin on the market that natively supports HD multi-signature wallets like Electrum’s TrustedCoin 2-Factor Authentication wallets or any other 2-of-3 HD multi-signature scheme.

How to use CryptoWoo with multi-signature HD wallets

The easiest way to switch to an Electrum multi-signature wallet is to follow the instructions in the Electrum documentation and add the three extended public keys of the different co-signers to your CryptoWoo HD wallet settings.

After adding your new wallet you can use the “HD Wallet Debugging” page to derive addresses on demand and confirm that CryptoWoo derives the same addresses as your new Electrum multi-signature wallet.

Please note that we are currently working on more extensive documentation of this feature, so if you feel you must use multi-signature now but are not sure how it works, please submit a ticket in our Help Desk and we will be happy to answer any questions.

CryptoWoo Dash Add-on

We are happy to announce the release of the free Dash add-on for CryptoWoo. It allows you to accept Dash payments to your own HD wallet. Payments can be processed either via BlockCypher’s API or via your own instance of the Dash Insight API, thereby removing all third parties from your payment processing . If you connect to a Dash Insight API instance above version 0.3 you can even accept InstantSend transactions. The Dash add-on can be downloaded for free, but it requires the HD wallet add-on to be installed in your store.

Partnership with Spendabit

Spendabit is the leading search engine to find items you can buy with bitcoin. We at CryptoWoo are very proud and happy to collaborate with them as Spendabit is a great way for our merchants to gain highly targeted traffic for their e-commerce business.

Our new partnership with Spendabit entitles all CryptoWoo users to a 20% discount on Spendabit’s Merchant Suite Plans.

The Merchant suite plans can help you to increase your targeted exposure and sales in the Bitcoin economy.

The Spendabit Merchant Suite allows you to

  • direct new customers to your shop
  • catch clients while they are looking for a place to spend their bitcoin
  • target regions and custom tags based on your preference
  • update your product listing whenever you want to gain access to the 20% discount!

We’d love to hear from you!

We are constantly aiming to improve and are eager to hear how CryptoWoo can benefit you and your customers even more. So, play around with the new features and check out this great opportunity to bring more users into your store and let us know what you think!

announcement header

Do you have a question or want to provide feedback? Contact us and we will get back to you soon!

Dash InstantSend

Secure your coins with HD multi-signature wallets, accept Dash payments to your own HD wallet and gain targeted exposure with the Spendabit Merchant Suite.

How to setup cron jobs for multisite WordPress

Secure your coins with HD multi-signature wallets, accept Dash payments to your own HD wallet and gain targeted exposure with the Spendabit Merchant Suite.